Tuesday, January 10, 2006

a recommended guilty pleasure

For just a little more than $1 per fart, you, too, can have your very own remote controlled fart machine. I'm not sure what enjoying this product so much says about my maturity level, but I don't care. It may be gross and inappropriate, but I'm okay with that. I don't remember the last time something has made me laugh so hard that my stomach hurt. (Oh, wait...Jeremy did show me that R. Kelly video...put the phone on vibrate!)It's amazing that something so simple can be so funny. If you want to purchase your own, click here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to say I'm proud to label myself "immature" as well, if that's what it means to enjoy the Fart Machine! And if anyone out there thinks I'm disgusting because I think the "wet one" is the funniest, well, I guess I just don't care.
HIL-arious, Jason!