This is Travis, one of the 8th graders in the LIFE Group I lead. I challenge you to find another middle schooler, guy or girl, who thinks they dress as well as Travis thinks he does. Not surprisingly, it took very little to convince him that it was a good idea for him to squeeze into this shopping cart. I would be lying, though, if I said I didn't become slightly concerned when he had trouble getting out of the seat. What would I have told his parents? "Well, Mrs. Crowley, I'm glad you asked why Travis now has a limp."
His willingness to pose for a picture like the one here is one of the reasons I love middle schoolers.
I like the hat, Travis. For the record I know of no other Middle School kid with enough confidence to wear anything but a baseball hat. Incidentally, I do spend a good deal of time with a good deal of MS students. Way to be different!
(a side note, be careful of doing EVERYTHING Jason tells the time you get through high school you're probably not going to fit in those shopping carts anymore -- I KNOW from experience, dude-- If you know what I mean?)
Oh my gosh! I almost died laughing when I saw this picture! Who but Travis would even do this? Man I love middle schoolers. I have to ask, though, did you give him the idea, Jason? =)
Jason knows Jennifer Aniston!? Awesome! Glad you like the hat. I'll think of you everytime I wear it.
it took a little prodding, but he loved it. just happy the cart didn't flip over.
You know how some people use the whole AD / BC thing. I like to use a different dating system: BF / AF. You can probably guess what it stands for -- (here's a hint: it has to do with a ground breaking and award winning television show). Anyway I've known Jason since 6 AF. We're BFFs.
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