Thursday, March 09, 2006


This week has been pretty good and here are some of the things that have made me smile, laugh or just plain happy.

1.) Travis wearing a pink shirt with tie

2.) the word "bee-otch"

3.) my dad channeling his inner Stevie Wonder and leaving me a voicemail saying, "I just called to say I love you."

4.) the staff at Firehouse Subs shouting, "Thank you!" whenever a customer left

5.) the ladies who work in the office across from mine coming over to talk about 24

6.) thinking about seeing my friends Ru, Kim and James this weekend in NC

7.) getting $11 knocked off of rent

8.) watching Scrubs

9.) awesome worship on Wednesday night

10.) getting HP & the Goblet of Fire on DVD

11.) riding my bike to Matt and Anna's and Evie being shy


Anonymous said...


Had a good time hanging out with you this week bro!! Glad you could come up. It was a joy defaulting to our old collaboration of making movies together. In the upper echelon of film-making there are really only three names:

Steven Spelberg
Martin Scorsesse
and Jason Vargas.

Of those your name is the only one I can spell so you're my easily my favorite.

Anonymous said...


I couldn't agree with you more. It's always good to see your friends, especially the non-stealing kind. That Angelina could certainly learn a thing or two from you.

Thanks for being such a gracious host. Looks like Brad's loss was my gain.

Anonymous said...

So ... when do we get a new blog entry? Your demanding fans want more.

Anonymous said...

It will be soon, Jen. Good things come to those who wait. Remember how exciting it was the first time Ross and Rachel finally got together?