Thursday, March 08, 2007


Tonight when my roommate Dan came home I heard the familiar noise of plastic grocery bags swishing around as he opened the door. Traditionally Dan returns from grocery shopping with an arsenal of Marie Callender's microwave meals. Tonight, though, he proudly carried the following items from Publix:

Looks like my cookie addiction is nothing compared to Dan's.


M. Flexibilis said...

Wow! Are those all for him?

Anna said...

I congratulate Dan for his unwillingness to bow to the social pressure to not buy a bazillion things of cookies in one trip. I mean really, the only thing stopping me from doing the exact same thing is that I'd wonder what people thought of me. So, good for Dan!

Jason said...

Fortunately for me, these are community cookies so I get to enjoy them, too. I've actually been pretty good about not gorging on them. But it helps that they're in the cabinet and not on the counter in my direct line of vision.